• Congratulation Ms. Das & Dr. Majumder for publication of CDD Portal
  • Congratulation Dr. Das & Dr. Majumder for the paper in J Biomol Struct Dyn 2022
  • SSBTR is 80G Certified Society
  • SSTR members published a policy paper on Translational Research
  • SSBTR received 12A Certificate
  • SSBTR Members published a Policy Paper on Systems Medicine Education for Developing Countries
  • Congratulation SSBTR Members for publishing a Policy Paper on Systems Medicine
  • Congratulation Mr. Dhar & Dr. Majumder for publishing research report on leukemia treatment
  • Here, in this section we will be intermittently displaying the achievements of our hon'ble members so stay tuned and keep watching this space.

Society for Systems Biology & Translational Research

( Regn. No. S/2L/No. 10387 of 2013-14 of West Bengal Act XXVI of 1961 )
( 12A Certificate Memo No. CIT(E)/10E/745/2017-18/18-19/S-0042/0344-46 )
( 80G Order No. ITBA/EXM/S/80G/2018-19/1014606278(1) dated 27/12/2018 )
Ordinary Member
probir kumar dhar
9432098334 | probir@rocketmail.com
50, Jiban Krishna Mitra Road, Kolkata-700037
Thursday, 13th November, 1969
Same as Present Address
M.Tech. (Microwave Engineering), Ph.D.

Control Engineering in Systems Biology/Medicine

Developed few algorithms for the analytical assessment of -

  • Cancer treatment dynamics
  • Leukemia treatment dynamics

Assistant Professor, Dept. Electronics & Comm. Engg., Bengal College of Engineering & Technology, Durgapur

  • Kaizen Industries pvt ltd, Kolkata as Consultant - Technical Adviser (July 2004 to Jan 2006) [Job responsibility: Responsible for development of Microwave WLL Base Station Antenna manufactured in factory, supervising production, testing and training of personnel] 
  • Microstrip antenna design from SAMEER [Society for Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research, Kolkata Center, [R&D Lab under Ministry of Information Technology, Govt of India], (From 10- Oct 2003 for One year)
  • Production of VHF transceiver sets from Philips Telecommunication Industries ltd. (Simoco) (4th Aug 1997 to 3rd Aug 1998)

  • Majumder D, Ray DK, Chatterjee I, Dhar PK (2018) Translation of Middle-out Rational Approach (MORA) in an Understanding of the Therapeutic Outcome of Cancer: Experience from India, Journal of Translational Research, 1(1): 4-7.
  • Dhar PK, Majumder D (2015). Development of the Analytical Model for the Assessment of the Efficiencies of Different Therapeutic Modalities in Leukemia. Journal of Computational Systems Biology, 1(1): 104: 45 pages
  • Dhar PK, Majumder D (2013). A composite synergistic systems model for exploring the efficacies of different chemotherapeutic strategies in cancer, Computational Biology Journal, Volume 2013, Article ID 301369, 26 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/301369 [Hindwai, ISSN: 2314-4165 (print); 2314-4173 (on-line)] [Link: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/cbj/2013/301369/] 
  • Dhar PK, Mukherjee A, Majumder D (2012). Difference delay equation based analytical model of hematopoiesis, Automatic Control of Physiological State and Function, 1: Article ID 235488 (11 pages), doi: 10.4303/acpsf/235488.

Dhar PK, Mukherjee A, Majumder D. Stochastic model of hematopoiesis. Proceedings of the International Conference On Modelling And Simulation, 3-5 Dec, 2007, organized by University of Calcutta in association with AMSE (International Association for Modelling and Simulation Technique in Enterprise, France), Kolkata, MS 164, pp. 488-492.

AICTE sponsored MODROB [Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence] "Advancement of microwave antenna & transmission line experiment facilities for academics purpose" Total grant : [13,00000/ (first part)-+14,50,000 /- (second part)]


  • Sanjoy Institute of Engineering And Management. Mathura as a Guest Lecturer on October 2007
  • Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata as a Part time Lecturer for one semester in ECE (2005)


Oasa Electronics Pvt Ltd, Kolkata as a Service Engineer (Aug 1998 to Jan 2001) for VHF transceiver sets


Member Since : 15th December, 2014  | Profile Last Updated On : 07th March, 2023 10:09 PM
« News Update »
  • Wednesday, 31st December, 2025
  • All members are requested to attend all the meetings for discussion of the society proceedings. Please keep watching this page for notification.
  • In this section we will be displaying all our upcoming news and event updates from our society intermittently so stay tuned and keep watching this space.

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